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  4. Lionel Beuvens - 49 Steps to Heaven (HD Digital - WAV, 88kHz/24bit)

Lionel Beuvens - 49 Steps to Heaven (HD Digital - WAV, 88kHz/24bit)


Lionel Beuvens presents his new album, rich and contrasting, comprising a range of masterfully written contemporary jazz pieces, bordering on the experimental but imprinted with sober and powerful lyricism. The composer's multiple inspirations can be heard (Funk, Latin music), served with accuracy and emotion by Brice Soniano (double bass), Alexi Tuomarila (piano), and Kalevi Louhivuori (trumpet). Lionel Beuvens' carefully fashioned writing gives the musicians plenty of space to unleash their improvisational talents and reveals tremendous group complicity.

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